So . . . I’ve started writing a blog. Hopefully, it will make a good account of following the ups and downs as I try to produce this sets of books to tell the complete story. I will share ideas, artwork and general pieces of inspiration without giving too much away. I hope it’s someway interesting or informative to anyone who cares to browse. As I’m only beginning this journey, I’m sure to make a lot of mistakes which, in themselves could be good lessons for other writers at the start of their respective stories.
I’m working on the second book now; this is new ground for me, as is everything when you’re just starting, I suppose. Writing a second book brings an entirely new list of issues to battle with. It’s more like knitting if I had to make an analogy. Weaving the previous story into the new adventure without making it seem silly or contrived. Although I’ve always had the bones of the complete story from start to finish in my head, it doesn’t guarantee an easy task. Especially when you keep too many key points in your head, or don’t write enough notes, or lose those notes.
With the first book I wasn’t bound to what happened before, but for this book I find I’m having to refer to the first story constantly. It’s easy to feel like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew with so many characters, but I wouldn’t change it. If I’ve learned anything, it’s to be more organised when telling such an expansive story.
I’m also currently working on artwork for the new cover, and a proper version of the map. Hopefully both will come together nicely. I’ll continue to post once a week, with artwork and other bits of text that some might find interesting.
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